Saturday, October 31, 2009

Toshiba's Very Affordable Satellite Laptop

Toshiba's Very Affordable Satellite Laptop: "

Toshiba Satellite L505-S5969 15.6-inch Budget Laptop PC

Image Courtesy Toshiba

Toshiba has a wide range of laptops in their Satellite brand. Of these various models, the L series has always been geared towards the value segment of the market. The L505 model increases the size of the display panel slightly and makes some changes to the various ports offered. Does this laptop that can be found for around $500 have enough to set it apart from a very crowded budget market? Find out in my review of the Toshiba Satellite L505-S5969 budget laptop.

Toshiba's Very Affordable Satellite Laptop originally appeared on PC Hardware / Reviews on Friday, October 16th, 2009 at 09:00:26.

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Protect your Online Reputation

Have you ever searched your name in Google and came up with negative results.

So you or someone you know finally searched your name and cross referenced that with the city you live in, work in or do business in. I bet you were as upset as I was to find someone had left a negative, libellous, defamatory, untrue, scam bashing comment. Having your brand bashed around the internet by people only looking for the next conspiracy could be the worst thing to happen to your brand or online image. The attacks can arise from a number of ways but it’s ok. You can beat this, keep your chin up and keep reading.

When protecting your online Reputation please don’t do any of the following.
1)      Don’t ever reply to a spam email with your point of view.
a)      These people will take offence if you tell them off.  Just out of spite they could leave a comment anywhere and never have to justify it.
b)      Just report the spam never let them know your email is active.

2)      Be careful what you Say it could affect your Online Reputation
a)      Business Relationships sometimes fall short of reaching your expectations.  You won’t be able to please everyone you do business with but when you feel that need to give them a piece of your mind just remember this article. Try to make your point professionally and move on. The more you say the more chances the other party will take offence and use your own words against you.
b)      Disgruntled employees and people you have never met are waiting for the right time to make their opinions known.

3)      Don’t make threats of any kind.
a)      Informing the community of a pending law suit will only get you laughed at.  A threat of taking the web site owner to court is laughed at in the courts. They are not interested in hearing cases about slander and liable on the internet. These unscrupulous scam web sites cater to an ever growing population of internet conspiracy junkies.  Oh we will go in-depth on some of the more famous of these Internet Avengers.
b)      You will only attract every wannabe expert on the planet. What you thought would be easy; the wining of the angry mob to your side has suddenly turned against you. Archaeologist who in their spare time scam bust by broadcasting all your contact details online lurk around every site.  There waiting to hear from you and they don’t care about anything. Like mindless robots they report “Your IP is” and “I know internet karate so don’t mess with me” attitudes. Understand that these so called scam busters and self proclaimed Internet deputy dogs are there; waiting for the next hanging.

Ok so you got here too late, well it’s never too late to fix your Online Reputation

What should you do when confronted by the angry mob?
Sometimes you need to stand up for you and I totally understand you wanting to tear them a new one; but you were outnumbered.  Oh inciters of the Roman mob jockeying for position the honourable men whose daggers stabbed Caesar. My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar, and I must pause till it come back to me.
Welcome to the official Facebook Page of Incriminating Yourself. Get exclusive content and interact with Incriminating Yourself right from Facebook. They have a facebook page for you so don’t feel so bad you are not alone in the Omni verse.
Well I understand how you feel and I know how fast things got out of control. Well be taking an in-depth look at some of the best ways to help yourself and don’t forget we offer this as a service...

Setting up the Online Reputation defence
1)    Contact the web where the offending remark was left.
a)    Be polite and ask for assistance in this matter.
b)    They may not respond at all some of these places could care less about you. You’re just what's on today’s menu. Stay calm and resend whatever form of contact the web provides.
c)    Don’t go typing into the feed informing the world of the injustice. It’s like blood in the water attracting other sharks. The hits and text that is left behind is what is fuelling the fire. The more people adding their opinion will only increase their foothold on you in Google.
d)    Even if you get the offending material removed it will take time for this to leave Google’s Cache.
2)    Contact Richard Kemp at SEO Toronto 647-344-6193
a)    I can set up an SEO strategy to push the offending web away from your search terms.
b)    We provide unique accounts and web space to brand your name back to the way it should be.
3)    Sun Tzu's The Art of War - Know your enemy
a)    The web site hosting the rumours is easily found but they may not be willing to divulge the information. When comes to he said she said online you’re not going to get anywhere with costly legal battles. It’s a good place to start though as they will surely not like what’s coming their way. Together we are going to complain to the web site owners Internet service provider. It won’t do much it's depending on how bad the verbal assault was against you online. When they slip and they make racist statements we can use information like this against them.
b)    Know the people who are making the comments. Once it starts you are going to receive a visit from every piece of trash out there online. They are roach like creatures who feed off sending you a remark that has a chance of making you look foolish. The more you fight the deeper they pull you. Most websites have some way of identifying the person but again remember places like will not help you. They feel they have immunity from prosecution and to a certain extent they do. Let’s not waste our time here; you need to decide what your intentions are. I’m not supporting the idea of getting revenge just some justice.
c)    No one is truly hidden online. Even if you only have a user name you should still be able to trace the comments made in other posts. Most of them are so dense they use the same stupid avatar and user name and are easily found in every want to be Online Detective web. Some of these online superhero’s provide a useful way to warn people of actual scams but understand that none of us has lived without some kind of sin. Sometimes just knowing who they are will provide the means to stop them.
d)    Your enemy knows you; if you’re an honest business man then you leave your actual contact details. The people you’re dealing with will try hard as they can to keep their secret identity from you.

Like a sculptor building a statue, chip away the unessential so that the truth will be revealed unobstructed.
You`re a web site owner aren’t you; then start acting like one and do what website owners do. Create a web space where you can explain yourself and provide your defence without the interference of anyone else. Don`t provide them with a means to comment it`s only a disclaimer made on your web that refutes the allegations. Keep it short and sweet but address the issue and do it on your own terms. 
What is it exactly that Richard Kemp can do for you?

I have the Search Engine skills available to push them so far back they will be able to smell Google’s backside.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


It would seem that Google has been warning us for quite some time that we should not be putting so much faith in PR.
First let's cover what PR is so you can decide if this is important or not.
PageRank was created by Google, so it does not affect your results from the other search engines.
PageRank is merely a tool that measures the popularity and success of a website. PageRank one of about 200 ranking factors used to rank googles index for keywords

PageRank is a link analysis algorithm that assigns a numerical weighting to each web. PageRank uses link structure as an indicator of an individual page's value.

Wow PageRank sounds great so what's the problem here.

Link Buying and Selling just killed your PR 10
Remember that spam email, the one that says Guaranteed #1 buy Top Backlinks. This is the problem that Google faces because it's their bread and butter. How others see you online is represented by the links that point back to your site. Again it's one of the many factors used in ranking your web for the Search Engine Result pages.

Ok they are the way to achieve massive amounts of visitors to your site. Hence the smile on the business person's face as they announce "And our web is Number 1 on Google". Things are changing, personally I like Bing and when they catch up with Google in the webmaster tools department I will do even more Binging.
Let’s look at my web for an example and see if I'm one of the lucky ones out there who will benefit from having PR removed from SERP.
SEO Toronto by Richard Kemp
It has 3 Number 1 spots but only for a 3 word search.
I invested a massive amount of time and effort googletizing my web for Optimization
1 year after the webs creation I am now starting to compete in a very heavily saturated keyword diverse industry. So I'm getting close to Number 1 on 2 word search terms. I think I'm actually getting close to what really moves your web up in Google.
My PR is 0 or not yet been calculated.
I am still waiting a year for DMOZ to list me
Google webmaster reports 3 broken links on this site waiting to be removed from their index.

Bing and Yahoo
I am extremely happy with the results I'm getting and it took no time or effort. Simply having a well optimized web and some backlinks accomplished this in a few months.
PR is not a factor and neither is the DMOZ directory backlink.

What is the SEO warning here.
Maybe it's time to stop paying into pipe dreams. When you get that spam, ignore it. When you wind up on the site and they offer large numbers of backlinks; move on nothing to see here.
It will be interesting to watch this explode into the web. Panicked webmasters jumping out of their windows. Well not that bad anyways and hey look on the bright side.
PR still means you’re one of the popular kids in school.
I'd hate to be the SEO guys that sold you on buying backlinks

Richard Kemp
SEO Expert located in Toronto